
Keep your smile beautiful with
Vivera™ retainers.

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Your new smile
is a keeper.

Your doctor may have told you that your teeth could start to shift after you've finished treatment if you don't wear a retainer.

Let's make sure your smile that you've always wanted lasts forever.



What makes Vivera retainers different?

  • Vivera retainer material is at least 30% stronger and twice as durable as other leading clear retainer materials1
  • Your Vivera retainer is custom-fit for your smile, with your comfort in mind...which is important since you’ll wear it while you sleep
  • Doctors who have used Vivera retainers are more satisfied with Vivera retainers than with other retainers2

Three ways to learn more about Vivera™ retainers before booking an appointment.

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Find out more

Talk to our Smile Concierge team via phone, online appointment or directly visiting Invisalign Centre to answer your questions

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Am I a candidate?

Am I a candidate?

Find out if Vivera retainers could be right for you with this short questionnaire.

Find out if Vivera retainers could be right for you with this short questionnaire. Find out if Vivera retainers could be right for you with this short questionnaire.

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Check out our FAQs, which covers everything from why you need retainers to how to take care of them.

See FAQs

New Vivera™ retainer
case now available

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